Lord of the Rings The Boardgame Review

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lord of the Rings The Boardgame

Lord of the Rings The Boardgame
From 999 Games

Customer Reviews

Great for the LOTR fan!!4
This game is ideal for the Lord of the Rings fan. It is a cooperative board game for 2-5 players. The players each control one of the hobbits from the book and travel throughout various locations, each represented by different boards (a board for Moria, Helms Deep, Shelobs Lair, and Mordor). Much of the traveling is done by the use of cards and by following certain events. Players do not face one another but instead face the figure Sauron who is placed on the corruption track along with the other hobbits. Each hobbit starts off with zero corruption points and based on the difficulty the players choose for the game Sauron can start at the end of the corruption track, which is number fifteen, or closer to the hobbits, around number twelve on the corruption track. The actions players choose to do during the game can increase or decrease the number of corruption they get. Events also increase or decrease the corruption on each hobbit as well as the use of cards. If a hobbit ever reaches the same spot as Sauron then that player is eliminated. The game is completed by having a hobbit carry the ring to the end of the Mordor board, signifying victory to the players. The game can also end if all players are eliminated by Sauron. This is a quick game that can last no more than two hours and is easy to learn. The rulebook even comes with a short example of play to get players started quickly! My only complaint is that the game is much harder with two players than with three or more. If you want a challenge, play a two player game. But in my opinion, three or more players is the ideal number for a great game of Lord of the Rings Board Game!

For the Lord of the Rings Fanatic5
My daughter and I play this game on most rainy or snowy days. It is our favorite game. It is frustrating to play with only two people because we often get slaughtered by Sauron, but we keep on fighting. I love that you have to play as a team instead of competing against each other to win. We have several LOTR games and this one is by far the best.

Brilliant game!5
I actually am in the process of buying a copy of this game, but I've played it almost a dozen times with friends, and it's *awesome.* Here's the good:
-Gameplay is well thought out, challenging and involved
-This is a thinking game; the strategy aspect has almost endless replay value
-The artwork is stunning
-Any game where you can play cooperatively is a win in my books
-It's the most unique gameplay concept I've seen in a very long time
-It's freaking hard to win!

The bad:
-The plasticky characters, ring and Sauron item suck massively
-It's freaking hard to win!

We've also played this game with the Friends and Foes expansion pack, but it was actually easier than with just the original game. For my money, the original stands out best by itself.

A required game for any board game enthusiast.

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