Super Mario Galaxy - Kids Christmas Gifts

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Super Mario Galaxy

Super Mario Galaxy
From Nintendo

Customer Reviews

Okay for others, not for me!3
I have to rate this game low because of the extreme motion sickness it gave me trying to play it. If you are like me and cannot play many 3D games, stay away from this, it will make you sick in no time! Other than that, it might be an okay game!

The Best Platformer in Ages!5
This game has been acclaimed from north to south, east to west, but I'm going to go ahead and add my voice to the choir: Super Mario Galaxy is awesome.

It is every bit an equal to its predecessor, Super Mario 64, and perhaps a bit beyond it. The game is consistently astounding in its inventiveness, starting with circumnavigating globular worlds and progressing to flying as a bee, phasing through walls as a ghost, invading battleships, and navigating a windstream inside a giant bubble. The gameplay is never static, always changing and keeping the player engaged. It takes a great deal of will power to stop playing, as you always want to keep going around the next corner to try the next new challenge.

Visually, it's one of the most impressive games on the Wii. Viewed on an 32" LCD through component cables, it may lack the definition of a 360 or PS3 game but it will nonetheless leave you awestruck. Metal gleams, solar flares, gigantic boss fights, and enough color to make Crayola jealous. The sights pop, keeping the energy level high. The same goes for the orchestrated score, which manages to both create an epic feel (appropriate for the galactic gameplay) while at the same time referencing the music of games past, particularly Super Mario Bros. 3.

If you own a Wii, buy this game. If you don't own a Wii, buy one so that you won't feel foolish for buying this game.

I haven't been this entertained by a game since 1996. You won't regret the purchase.

Mario Rocks!5
My daughter has been playing this game for many hours, and can't stop! The graphics are awsome, she says, and the game is very interesting, complicated but just easy enough to pass it, and still to be fun. Oh, and my daughter is 12.

Product Description

Every hundred years a comet passes over the Mushroom Kingdom and rains down stars and stardust, and as Princess Peach and the citizens of the kingdom are celebrating the centennial event, Bowser and his legions attack by launching asteroids at the Mushroom Kingdom and crystalizing the Toads! Knowing that Bowser is after Princess Peach, Mario runs to save her. Things go awry as Bowser summons a massive spaceship, abducts Peach's entire castle and hits Mario with a massive magical attack. The next thing he knows, he finds himself on a mysterious moon high above the Mushroom Kingdom! Navigate Mario through a bevy of exciting new worlds and the depths of space, with all new enemies, power-ups and attack skills, as he collects the Stars needed to save Princess Peach! Two player functionality ESRB Rated RP for Rating Pending