It is finally here!

Memoir '44: D-Day & The Liberation Of France

Monday, December 15, 2008

Memoir '44: D-Day & The Liberation Of France

Memoir '44: D-Day & The Liberation Of France
From Days of Wonder

Customer Reviews

Gagawolala Review - A New Classic for 2 Players5
How to tell if a game is right for most people?

Look see how many expansions it currently has, it will tell you how popular this game is.

I was hesitant about buying this game at the beginning but I found out later this is a MUST BUY for mid to heavy gamers. WHY?

You know, most of the boardgames are designed for multiple players, like 3, 4, 5 or more. More people the merrier. But not every time I can get 3 or 4 or 5 people to my house to play. At least I have not meet so many gamers who are as crazy about games as me.

If you can only get 1 friends to stop by or just 1 of your family members who got nothing else to do, this is the perfect game for 2 of you.

The rules is 10 times easier than Axis and Allies (I still have not figure out how to play Axis and Allies exactly), the game goes between 30 ~ 45 minutes, you get to see how is your opponent's brain is wired (good way to learn about a person), and you will get addicted.

Another success by Days Of Wonder

Learn a little history while you play with cool toy soldiers5

Memoir '44 is a two player (more can play with additional copies) game about WWII ground combat in Europe, simple enough to be played by my six year old (with adult help) yet interesting enough to be enjoyed by those who are used to far more complex military simulations. Fast playing and good looking, it is fun and despite the simplicity, it retains a good historical and simulative flavor.

Memoir '44 uses small plastic figures to represent military units, that fight battles on a cardboard map with a hexagon grid superimposed over it. A deck of colorfuly illustrated cards drives the action, and combat is resolved with some nonstandard dice.

The figures include infantry, armor, artillery and some obstacles like barbed wire. They add a lot of visual oomph to the game, and will capture the imagination of anyone who has played "toy soldiers". The figures can represent squads to regiments or larger units, depending on the scenario being played.

The map is two sided, with one side featuring an invasion beach, and the other European countryside. The maps are customized for each scenario with large cardboad hexagon tiles, so environments from urban to rural can be represented. The map is good looking and practical, with hexes large enough to hold the multiple figures representing the forces involved.

The map is divided in to three zones: Left, right and center. The cards each player recieves allow the player to move and attack in one or all of these zones, adding uncertainty to the game. Attacks are resolved with specially marked six sided dice, and players win the game by inflicting losses on the enemy or taking key points on the map.

Most scenarios can be played in an hour or less, although setting up all those cool figures can take a half hour or so.

Veteran wargamers will find Memoir '44 a refreshingly fast playing and fun light game. It is suitable for players who have never played a wargame before, and anyone capable of grasping "Monopoly" should be OK with learning to play Memoir '44.

There are expansions available that bring this game system to the Eastern front and the Pacific.

My six year old boy enjoys the game, and even my wife will play it. A great game for those with any interest in learning about WWII history, or just seeking a fun, competitive game that is fast playing, often tense and looks really good sitting on your table.

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